ISD Leadership Nomination Form

ISD Leadership Nomination Form

Any eligible ISD member in good standing may be nominated to serve as a board or committee member. The ISD Executive Committee will review all nominations, and recommend approved candidates to the Board.
Company Name:
Company Address:
Zip/Postal Code:
Work Telephone:
Cell Phone:
I'm interested in serving on the:
ISD Board of Directors
Membership Committee
Associate Committee

Business History:

Please describe your experience and background in the fluid sealing industry, indicating the companies you've worked for and the positions you've held, including dates where pertinent.
Briefly indicate why you are interested in serving ISD in a leadership role.

Industry Organizations:

Please list those organizations within the fluid sealing industry in which you are active, including offices you have held, committees in which you have been involved and any awards or other recognition you have received. Please include dates.
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