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NEW Benchmarking Program Offered Monthly to Members

We are excited to announce a new Streamlined Monthly Benchmarking Program. This important new member benefit is designed to be completed in fewer than 10 minutes each month and provides participants with valuable market and company-specific insights.

Specifically, each month, participants will receive:

  • General Industry Overview Report summarizing monthly trends (sales, orders, inventory, pricing / gross margin, forecasts, end markets...)
  • Company Specific Results / Report is available via the dashboard with interactive charting capabilities. The report will include a detailed analysis of your company's results including a business cycle analysis, YTD, and forward-looking projections. Additionally, you will be able to compare your firm's results to a benchmark of other participating companies as well as important industry metrics.

Submit your data from last month now via the link below by using the same email address you use to log in to ISD.

If you have any feedback or questions, please contact Joe Calvello at 440.465.2234 or 

Submit Your Data

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